Meet Christy - Owner and Designer at Curloo Designs

Hi! Welcome to Curloo Designs! My name is Christy Nix - I’m the owner and designer at Curloo, and I wanted to take a moment to share a little about myself and why I started Curloo.

Even as a child, I loved creativity and going against the crowd when it came to anything arts and craft. When we’d have a school art project, if all the kids were doing one thing, I would do something different. I didn’t want my project to look like all the others - I wanted it to be different, stand out!

I still carry that desire with me today in my graphic design work. Trends exist for a reason, we shouldn’t ignore them, but we also should get swept up in them. I want to provide materials to my clients that will help them stand out in the crowd, not blend in, and also materials that have a long shelf-life. I don’t want clients to have to pay for more design work and printing every quarter because the trends have changed (unless they want to, of course).

As a small business owner, I very much recognize the value of each dollar, and I want my clients to feel like they are getting excellent value when they choose to hire me!

So if you’re looking for a designer who loves to be a go-to resource for small business owners, who will buck the trends if needed and provide eye-catching, quality work, give me a shout! I’d love to work with you!